
THIS MONTH! Be Counted in the 2020 Census!

The 2020 Census kicks off this month and invitations to respond will be delivered to each residence between March 12-20. Invitations will include directions on how to respond online, by phone, or by mail.

 The U.S. Census is conducted every 10 years to get a complete and accurate count of the population. Information collected will be used to determine each state’s congressional representation and distribute billions in federal funds to local schools and governments.

Everyone counts in the U.S. Census. The Census is a count of residents, NOT citizenship. Survey responses are completely confidential and will not be shared with any other agency. Answers will only be used to generate statistics.

Census participation is so important because Illinois will lose $14,000 ($1,400 per year) for every student who isn’t counted. Your Census participation will help ensure every child in District 96 counts.

If you have any questions about the U.S. Census, please contact Cristin Evans, Riverside Village Trustee and liaison to the Cook County Complete Count Census Commission: [email protected].