A Greeting From Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Martha Ryan-Toye
On behalf of the entire District 96 school district, I extend a warm welcome to all our families, new and returning!
We're thrilled to embark on this exciting new school year together. Whether you're joining us for the first time or continuing your journey with us, we're committed to providing a welcoming, meaningful educational experience that supports your child to grow, learn and explore!
Important information about school start dates, curriculum information, and upcoming events can be found on the District 96 website. We encourage you to stay connected through our website as well as teacher, school and district communications.
We believe in a strong partnership between families and educators. A link to our District 96 Family and Community Engagement Guidelines can be found here. Our partnership is key to your child's success. We look forward to collaborating with you throughout the year to ensure your child’s success.
Welcome to the District 96 family! Together we are “Empowering Learners for Life”!
Sincerely Yours,
District 96 Superintendent